Latch on technique is important
New Bf mothers also facing 'latch on' problem with their babies. The reason is because there are no so called 'specialist' to teach them the correct latch on technique. I faced it too when I was first time nursing my bb. The bb latch on poorly and i felt very pain during nursing him. Just like a knife slicing your breast. You maybe can't imagine the pain until you faced it. That is also reason of mother give up bf bc too pain for nursing. Some mothers tried to pump out breast milk for their bb. However, it is time consuming and also would reduce the milk supply because the breast is not stimulated by bb lacth on.
When i was in hospital, i was tought by nurse in hospital how to lacth on bb. However, they tought using thier experiences, not the correct way of latch on. So, i faced the problem to latch on well. I was suffered with latch on bb upto almost two months and i almost gave up bf. Everytime, i put on my bb on breast, i was just suffered to pain and wish he would finish as soon as possible. However, poor latch on also make my milk supply low and increase time of nursing. So, It is important to start 'latch on' well and understanding the technique. You should use the technique as early as possible because new born bb is more easy to control instead of older bb.
I am pleased to share the article about latch on technique below.
When latching
Push baby’s bottom into your body with the side (the same side as where your baby finger is) of your forearm.
• This will bring him towards your breast with the nipple pointing to the roof of his mouth
• Mother’s hand under the baby’s face, palm up.
• Head supported but NOT pushed in against breast.
• Head tilted back slightly.
• Baby’s body and legs wrapped in around mother.
• Use your whole arm to bring the baby onto the breast, when mouth wide.
• Chin and lower jaw touch breast first.
WATCH LOWER LIP, aim it as far from base of nipple as possible, so tongue draws lots of breast into mouth.
Move baby’s body and head together – keep baby uncurled.
Once latched, top lip will be close to nipple, areola shows above lip. Keep chin close against breast.
Need mouth wide before baby moved onto breast. Teach baby to open wide/gape :
• move baby toward breast, touch top lip against nipple
• move mouth away SLIGHTLY
• touch top lip against nipple again, move away again
• repeat until baby opens wide and has tongue forward
• Or, better yet, run nipple along the baby’s upper lip, from one corner to the other, lightly, until baby opens wide
Move baby not breast
Mother’s posture
• sit with straight, well-supported back
• trunk facing forwards, lap flat
Baby’s position before feed begins
• on pillow can be helpful,
• nipple points to the baby’s upper lip or nostril
Baby’s body
• placed not quite tummy to tummy, but so that baby comes up to breast from below and baby’s eyes make contact with mother’s
Support breast
• firm inner breast tissue by raising breast slightly with fingers placed flat on chest wall and thumb pointing up (if helpful, also use sling or tensor bandage around breast)
Move baby quickly on to breast
• head tilted back slightly, pushing in across shoulders so chin and lower jaw make first contact (not nose) while mouth still wide open, keep baby uncurled (means tongue nearer breast) lower lip is aimed as far from nipple as possible so baby’s tongue draws in maximum amount of breast tissue
Mother needs to AVOID
• pushing her breast across her body
• chasing the baby with her breast
• flapping the breast up and down
• holding breast with scissor grip
• not supporting breast
• twisting her body towards the baby instead of slightly away
• aiming nipple to centre of baby’s mouth
• pulling baby’s chin down to open mouth
• flexing baby’s head when bringing to breast
• moving breast into baby’s mouth instead of bringing baby to breast
• moving baby onto breast without a proper gape
• not moving baby onto breast quickly enough at height of gape
• having baby’s nose touch breast first and not the chin
• holding breast away from baby’s nose (not necessary if the baby is well latched on, as the nose will be away from the breast anyway)
See videos at
Handout A, When Latching
Revised : January 2005
Original written and designed by Anne Barnes
Hi, I have one question, Till when do the mothers have milk? I wondered that so many times, and now surfing ive found your website...
Anonymous, at Fri Sep 26, 06:15:00 AM 2008
I too took a long time and lots of reading to find the right latch, but until now, 7 weeks, sometimes still get sore nipples when baby nibbles or bite so hard when so hungry :o but it's definitely not like in the beginning
Leona, at Mon Mar 30, 02:40:00 AM 2009
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